Who supports the Sustainche Farm™ project at the moment ?
For the time being you may say that it is Sustainche & Lisa all alone. They are the creative masterminds of this African experiment …
Sustainche & Lisa, of course, are too small to organize everything that is needed at the moment, and this included present internet access. Therefore, Etosha Consult International – Network and Services for Sustainable Development (http://www.etosha-consult.de) helps both Sustains™ as much as they can.
Who is the target audience for the Sustainche Farm™ project ?
Sustainche & Lisa enjoy targeting everybody around the globe who is committed to sustainable development in general, a better quality of life and sustainable development farming in Africa. In this respect, there cannot be any age limit, neither for youngsters nor for seasoned ages. For sure Sustainche & Lisa do not like ‘land grabbers’.
If there is a FAQs Part IV, will there be Part V or VI as well ?
Yes … we hope so. Especially during the ‘Motivation Campaign’ or Preparation Phase I we will compile a catalogue of questions from Sustainche’s Blog’s™ audience and later on from Sustainche Farm™ community. These additional questions will be answered in subsequent FAQs Part V, VI, etc.
Can you provide a brief time schedule of actions for the Sustainche Farm™ Project ?
Yes, of course !
- The Preparation Phase, covering the project months 1 to 6, June to November 2011, shall be divided in two steps.
- The ‘Motivation Campaign’ or Preparation Phase I from project months 1 to 3, June to August 2011, focuses on the fact finding mission to select the farm to be awarded Sustainche Farm™ as well as first intensive interactions with Sustainche’s Blog™ subscribers via the existing WorldPress platform. The duration of the ‘Motivation Campaign’ might be extended for another three months until November 2011 if deemed feasible.
- The ‘Mobilizing Campaign’ or Preparation Phase II from project months 4 to 6, September to November 2011, focuses on the design and content management of an independent website for the Sustainche Farm™ Project with initial technologies to facilitate presentations, communication, interaction and voting for the Sustainche Farm™ community members. The website shall be open for desired upgrades during the Implementation Phase.
- The Implementation Phase is envisaged starting from project month 8, January 2012. Let’s give Sustainche & Lisa one month break to enjoy a peaceful Christmas time …
- In conclusion and in other words, Sustainche & Lisa enjoy seeing a strong tailwind from all around the world – from motivation to mobilization to implementation –, in order to make the Sustainche Farm™ Project a real flagship i) getting discoverers on board, ii) leaving the harbour behind and iii) heading towards the open ocean … and find a better quality of life.
When does the Sustainche Farm™ project end ?
For the time being, Sustainche & Lisa can only say how and when the Sustainche Farm™ project starts. It will be up to the Sustainche Farm™ community to decide whether the project objectives, which still need to be jointly formulated, have been reached. What is for sure and inherent in all projects: Everything that has a beginning has an end.
To be continued … if you wish !
Send Sustainche & Lisa your comments and additional questions !