Why has Sustainche & Lisa launched this farming experiment in Africa ?

During the past years Sustainche™ became exhausted on how theoretical and hypocritical developing projects all around the world are being designed and implemented by international donor organizations. Many of these projects are lacking any impact and most of them are far away to support sustainable development. Sustainche has seen it with his own eyes in Macedonia and now in Namibia. What is needed is a grass-root approach and flagship example that others can see and follow.

Since a bit more than one year Sustainche and his African friend Lisa enjoy living in Namibia. You might have followed Sustainche’s Blog™. Sustainche & Lisa during this time have met many people in the rural areas and have made many friendships. Thus, Sustainche & Lisa have the strong feeling that it is high time to show the world via internet the real daily life on a normal small-scale farm in Northern Namibia. At the same time, Sustainche & Lisa together with the farmer family would enjoy encouraging people around the world to participate in decision making on how to improve the overall situation of the farm and to support a better quality of life strictly in line with sustainable development principles.

Why is the project based in Northern Namibia ?

Huge parts of Middle and Southern Namibia are covered by so-called ‘commercial farmland’, which mainly originates from the time of the German ‘Schutztruppe’ until World War I, and expanded during the South African mandate until the independence of the Republic of Namibia in 1990. This is the reason why nowadays the gravitation of communal farmland is located in the North of Namibia. Villa Sustainche & Lisa, the place where both Sustains™ enjoy living, is also allocated in the North, in a town that is called ‘the place where the leopard is sitting on a tree above the water’ … :-)

Why to first of all focus on providing information on the rural regions of Northern Namibia and Sustainche Farm™ ?

“You can’t make a decision on something if you don’t know anything about it.” Sustainche & Lisa assume that most of the potential supporters of the Sustainche Farm™ project don’t know Africa or Namibia, and they never have been invited to visit a small-scale farm in the rural regions. Therefore, Sustainche & Lisa understand it to be essential to first of all provide in-depth information on the daily life on the real existing Sustainche Farm™. This paves the ground to have your say on what you would like to see improved.

What are the benefits of subscribing to Sustainche’s Blog ?

The Sustainche Farm™ project has an initial Preparation Phase during a period of maximum six months, which will be split in two steps.

During the Motivation Campaign’ or Preparation Phase I, and while still operating from Sustainche’s Blog™ website provided and hosted by WorldPress, we would like to inform you about our fact findings in the rural areas. Subscribing to Sustainche’s Blog™ will enable you to easily follow all initial events free of charge. At the same time you can send us your comments and recommendations of what kind of additional information you like to receive.

As soon as Sustainche & Lisa have the feeling that enough subscribers of Sustainche’s Blog™ around the world are interested in the Sustainche Farm™ project – which might be something like 1,000 subscribers –, we are prepared launching the Mobilizing Campaign’ or Preparation Phase II, which shall include the design of an independent initial website. Thus, the number of subscriptions of Sustainche’s Blog™ during Motivation Campaign’ will reflect people’s interest and enthusiasm for such an experiment. Naturally and in order to cover the increasing costs, subscription of the Sustainche Farm™ project will need to go along with a subscription fee of only Euro 30 per year or Euro 2.5 per month as per subscriber.

FAQs, Part II

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