You might recall that the Sustainche Farm™ Project in rural Northern Namibia went online and became known to the world on 25 May 2011. This is exactly one year ago. Thus, the Sustainche Farm™ family and community – with members in Namibia, Germany, Greece, the United States, India and the Fiji Islands – can take great pride and pleasure to celebrate the first year’s birthday. Congratulations !
Since this day in May 2011 we have published 35 pages and 25 posts. WorldPress statistics has counted 10,112 all-time views for the Sustainche Farm™ website. Having in mind our limited financial resources, Sustainche™ & Lisa regard this to be a marvellous result of one year efforts. We are very happy and we are grateful for the donation received so far via 🙂
As you can see from the global map, the Sustainche Farm™ Project is followed by citizens on all inhabited continents – well, except Antarctica, Lisa wishes to add … 😉
Taking the top 10 views by country for all days during the period 25 February 2012 – 25 May 2012 only, we can present the following results:
Namibia 1,080; Germany 158; United States 80; South Africa 38; India 21; United Kingdom 15; Russian Federation 14; Italy 13; Malaysia 12; Denmark 10 and Argentina 10.
Thank you very much indeed citizens of Planet Earth !
Join our Sustainche Farm™ Project birthday celebrations …
wherever you live on Planet Earth ! 🙂